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Research Themes
Desirable difficulties
Testing effect ​
Contextual variation
Learning vs. performance
Collaborative learning
Collaborative testing
Attitudes towards group work
Collaborative learning in the classroom
Group metacognition
Self-regulated learning
Learning with flashcards
Note-taking strategies
Online learning
Inaccurate information
Reliance on falsehoods
False balance ​
Conspiratorial thinking
Source memory
Beliefs about science
Research: Text
Research: Files
7. Salovich, N. A., Imundo, M. N., & Rapp, D. N. (2022). Story stimuli for instantiating true and false beliefs about the world. Behavior Research Methods.
6. *Zung, I, Imundo, M. N., & Pan, S. C. (2022). How do college students use digital flashcards to during self-regulated learning? Memory, 30(8), 923-941.
5. Imundo, M. N., & Rapp, D. N. (2022). Weight-of-evidence reporting can ameliorate the negative effects of falsely balanced texts. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(2), 258-271.
4. Imundo, M. N., Pan, S. C., Bjork, E. L., & Bjork, R. A. (2020). Where and how to learn: The distinct benefits of contextual variation, restudying, and retrieval practice for memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(3), 413-424.
3. Engeln, R., & Imundo, M. N. (2020). I (don’t) love my body: Counter-intuitive effects of body-affirming statements on college women. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 39(7), 617-639.
2. Engeln, R., Loach, R., Imundo, M. N., & Zola, A. (2020). Compared to Facebook, Instagram use causes more appearance comparison and greater body dissatisfaction in college women. Body Image, 34, 38-45.
1. Rapp, D. N., Imundo, M. N., & Adler, R. M. (2019). Do individual differences in conspiratorial and political leanings influence the use of inaccurate information? In P. Kendeou, D. H. Robinson, & M.T. McCrudden (Eds.), Misinformation and Fake News in Education (pp.103-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
*Undergraduate advisee
Imundo, M. N. (April 2021). Getting Meta about Metacognition.
*Frei, K., & Imundo, M. N. (Nov 2020). Applying the pausing principle to university classes.
*Zung, I., & Imundo, M. N. (April 2020). Flashcards: Are you using them effectively when learning?.
Imundo, M. N. (Jan 2020). Collaborative inhibition: The surprising effect of recalling information in groups.
Imundo, M. N. (Nov 2019). Mythbusters: Studying in the same place, at the same time, every day is good for learning.
Imundo, M. N. (July 2019). The debate on simultaneous and sequential lineups.
Imundo, M. N. (May 2019). Using evidence-based study strategies to optimize your learning.
Imundo, M. N. (Feb 2019). Why can’t we quit fake news?.
Imundo, M. N. (Oct 2018). The dangers of fluency.
*Undergraduate advisee
Research: CV
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